Geismar MV3 Vertical Rail & Switch Grinder 130kg. Code: 35/1375-h + ADD TO FAVOURITES. The Geismar MV3 is designed for de-burring and grinding of flat rails. All prices are exclusive of VAT, business rates available. Sign in to see your bespoke prices.
Geismar is the world leading supplier of solution dedicated to installation, maintenance and control of railway and OHL systems. We design and manufacture all our equipment. Railway specialists and suppliers of high quality equipment, we have a global presence all over the world where there are conventional, urban and high-speed transport networks.
Geismar North America's MP-23 grinder is equipped with the same 6-by-3-inch stone but features a ridged frame that runs on the rail with a sturdy outrigger to …
The Melvelle Equipment Grinder Diesel engine is modified in-house to operate at high tilt angles and give much greater torque under load than similar sized engines. Prior to despatch Rail Profile Grinders are supplied with a Melvelle Equipment proven fast cut grinding wheel for maximum bite into the rail and a high cutting rate and fully tested ...
Rail Components Catalog Track Products Grinders Rail Industry Component: Geismar Modern Track Machinery Inc.: Model MC-3A Stock Rail Grinder Geismar Modern Track Machinery Inc.
Hi-Rail LEGO rail grinder truck with track cleaner MOC. It is powered by one LEGO M-motor.
Geismar MC3 grinder. Item code: 16-009. Application. The Geismar MC3 grinds frogs, switch points, and stock rails. The pivoting grinding assembly permits alignment of the grindstone parallel to stock rail for full grindstone to rail contact. A flexshaft can be connected for use of hand tools from the MC-3's power supply.
Buy on-line high quality cutting discs and grinding wheels for Frog Geismar Stumec Loram Speno Harsco rail applications. More information call 0800 027 1928.
RAIL PROFILE GRINDING MACHINE GEISMAR MP5 (1) RAIL SAW FOR CUTTING RAILS GEISMAR MTZ 350 (1) road-rail loader/excavator KGT-8 (1) RV100 Track Lifting & Slewing Machine (1) Screw Mechanical Jack Rail Lever, Hoist Geismar CR (1) Socket Rail 36mm COACHSCREWING MACHINE (1) SOCKET RAIL 39MM L-150 COACHSCREWING …
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Hydraulic Weld Trimmer. 14.10 Easy and quick removal of welding beads from the rail head after thermite welding of rail joints. Material-friendly working. Minimum grinding afterwards. Reduced wear of shear blades. Precise working. Please check the product sheet () for further information and accessories. Submit inquiry.
Geismar Modern Track Machinery Inc.: Model MLC-H-MK Stock Rail Grinder Geismar Modern Track Machinery Inc. The Model MLC-H-MK is a lightweight grinder to be outfitted with the optional workheads ...
GEISMAR CATALOG - Modern Track Machinery, Inc. Carol Gauger. Published on October 1, 2014. Use this catalog as a guide TABLE OF CONTENTS Adzers Adzers, Routers Benders & Straighteners Rail Benders, Joint Straighteners Bolters & Track Wrenches Track Wrenches, Bolters, Impact Wrenches, Combination Bolter/Drill Clippers Clip Applicators & …
Grinds frogs, switch points, and stock rails. The pivoting grinding assembly permits alignment of the grindstone parallel to stock rail for full grindstone to rail… MC-3A Switch Point Grinder - Geismar …
Zoek alle Geismar BRV Track brush GEISMAR BRV, COACHSCREWING MACHINE GEISMAR CEMAFER TC Road Rail, COACHSCREWING MACHINE GEISMAR CEMAFER TS2 Rail, GEISMAR VMR 445 RAIL GRINDING MACHINE, Grabs for loader/excavators Geismar CEMAFER OMR, Grinding machine Geismar MP6 Lightweight rail- en spoorwegonderhoud …
Geismar Modern Track Machinery Inc.: Model MS-9-B Web Grinder Geismar Modern Track Machinery Inc. The Model MS-9-B web grinder removes all rail surface scale and dirt to prepare a clean electrode ...
The Rail Profile Grinder model MP23 is designed to grind the whole profile of flat bottom rails (running surface, flanks, corners) in only one operation. It ...
Geismar North America Inc. recently supplied a hi-rail grinding truck — The Metal Wizard — for a Honolulu Authority for Rapid Transportation project. The Metal Wizard features a radio ...
Geismar MP12 grinder. The Geismar MP12 is Specifically designed for re-profiling of railheads after thermite welding. In the upright position, the machine can grind the top surface of the rail, and in the inclined position grind the thickness of the head to recondition the railhead. A power take-off is provided for fitting a flexible shaft for ...
Quick and safe – The HSG-2 is the only grinding train in the world that can machine the rail profile at speeds of up to 80 km/h during normal railway operations and grind turnouts fitted with movable point frogs. Track closures and elaborate preparations are thus now a thing of the past.
Rail profile grinding machine MP6 | Geismar Rail profile grinding machine MP6 Safe User-friendly Multifunction Benefits This grinder offers you perfect rail profile grinding, giving you up to 90° and 180° rotation about the rail head. The MP6 is also designed to allow you to grind the running surfaces of turnouts
Geismar designs and produces solutions for the laying, maintenance and monitoring of railway tracks and overhead lines. As railway industry specialists, …
Grinding. Economic, efficient and ergonomic devices for grinding and reprofiling of welded joints and weld repairs to give a smooth running surfaces, delipping of rails and switches, weld shearing and rail milling. With ROGRIND, ROTRIM and ROFACE the finish is perfect.
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Geismar designs and produces solutions for the laying, maintenance and monitoring of railway tracks and overhead lines. As railway industry specialists, we are present all over the world, wherever there are rail networks – and that means conventional, urban and high-speed.
The hydraulic rail profile grinder model MP5H grinds the rail head, the welded rail joint, the radius edge and sides in one operation Easy to use, light and accurate, the MP5 is the perfect cost effective grinder
Network Rail are currently in the process of disposing three redundant assets - a Schweerbau/Loram Rail Grinder, a Geismar VMT PL/UM unit and a Geismar Mini 4x4 Motorised Trolley. All bids need to be in by [b]16:00 on Wednesday January 3rd[/b]. If anyone is interested in bidding, then please get in touch and I'll forward on the relevent details (no dreamers - these …
Rail Industry Manufacturer Geismar Modern Track Machinery Inc. ... -up Web Grinder Model DK-3 Rail De-Scaling Machine Model MAS-150 Automatic Rail Weld Grinding Machine Model MC-3A Stock Rail ...
To ensure efficiency, the MAS 150 references the grind stone to the rail without the use of a mechanical copying system. The grinding finish is compliant with the most demanding requirements of high speed networks, giving you the best finish possible. A short automated grinding cycle time gives you high productivity.
Part Number: 37026E-IPS Weight: 7.5 lbs. Grinding stone casing/spark shield for the Geismar MP-12 rail profile grinder.