Therefore, a really energy efficient circuit may mean three stages of grinding instead of only two and each stage can be slightly smaller and more efficient than one big one e.g. a SAG mill (or HRC) followed by a ball mill and with a tertiary Vertimill.
Power-based modelling of single-stage AG and SAG mill circuits Alex Doll1* and Miguel Becerra2 1. Consultant, Alex G. Doll Consulting Ltd, Canada 2. Technical Specialist, Processing group T&S, Anglo American, Chile ABSTRACT Comminution circuit design and geometallurgy is normally performed using the power-based class of models.
SAG mill in closed circuit with hydro cyclones at Freda Rebecca Gold Mine would affect through put and specific energy consumption using an Excel based milling process simulator developed by Hinde, a comminution specialist who has worked for Mintek for many years.
However, limitation in the grinding mills initially limited sulfide tonnage throughput.This paper discusses modifications made in the grinding circuit, both mechanical and operational, to resolve it deficiency. The SAG mill, in particular, was unable to achieve design tonnage initially and proved to be most troublesome.
in a SAG and Ball mill circuit where there is no scope for storage capacity between milling stages and throughput is normally limited by a bottleneck at one stage or the other. In this case any ore with a high BWi value will have reduced . throughput due to the ball mill despite the capability of the SAG mill to handle
The harder component of the SAG mill feed from the primary crusher, that component with a higher bond work index, will be over represented in the pebble circuit (relative to the mill feed). In many cases the low grade or barren gangue component of the feed will have these characteristics of higher hardness and lower breakability relative to the mineralised component of the feed.
This research is focused on the Phase I SABC milling circuit of the Wushan porphyry copper mine. Improvements to the existing circuit were targeted without any significant alterations to existing equipment or the SABC circuit. JKSimMet simulations were used to test various operating and design conditions to improve the comminution process.
Simulation work was carried out to analyze how feeding a finer size distribution to a single stage SAG mill in closed circuit with hydro cyclones at Freda Rebecca Gold Mine would affect through put and specific energy consumption using an Excel based milling process simulator developed by Hinde, a comminution specialist who has worked for Mintek for many years.
ABSTRACT Simulation work was carried out to analyse how feeding a finer size distribution to a single stage SAG mill in closed circuit with hydro cyclones at Freda Rebecca Gold Mine would affect throughput and specific energy consumption using an Excel based milling process simulator developed by Hinde, a comminution specialist who has worked for Mintek for many …
SAG Semi-Autogenous Grinding SMC Test® SAG Mill Comminution Test 3. KEYWORDS Autogenous Grinding (AG) mill, Ball mill, Comminution, Conveyor sample, Grinding circuit, Particle Size Distribution (PSD), Rod mill, Sampling, Semi-Autogenous Grinding (SAG) mill, Slurry sample, Surveying 4. INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND
Also, the mill load varied in the range of 125 to 165 tons. These disturbances propagated throughout the milling circuit and even to the flotation circuit. The Millstar Power Optimiser gave the following benefits: • Mill feed cuts were prevented, resulting in a stable mill loading. • No huge power dips occurred, since any sign of the mill
2 AG mill + a recycle crusher Competent ore - relatively homogenous (the recycle crusher is used to balance the rate of impact breakage within the circuit) 3 SAG mill (8 – 15% ball charge) Variable competency ore 4 High ball charge SAG mill (15 to 25% ball charge) Incompetent ore 5 Low ball charge SAG mill, high mill speed.
In this presentation an historical perspective of the origins of Mine-to-Mill is described and is followed by a discussion of how AG/SAG feed size affects throughput and specific energy and the factors that in turn influence AG/SAG feed size, such as ore hardness, Run of Mine (RoM) size distribution and crusher operation (both primary and secondary).
Most SAG Mills are operated in closed circuit with a screen. The screen fi lters undersized ore, normally minus ½ inch, to a ball mill discharge sump. The combined mill discharg- es are pumped to undergo classifi cation, normally via hydrocyclones.
Optimizing Performance of SABC Comminution Circuit of. circuit is shown in Figure1 It is commonly referred to as a SABC circuit, for Semi-Autogenous Ball mill Crusher (SABC) This circuit shows a semi-autogenous grinding (SAG)/ball mill circuit where both grinding mills are in closed circuit, with the SAG mill closed with a crusher to control the amount of 'critical size' …
(ENG) Pre-Processing to Increase the Capacity of SAG Mill Circuits: Case Study Evandro e Silva, Vale, Brazil; Vladmir Alves, Department of Mining Engineering, Federal University of Ouro Preto, Brazil; and Homero Delboni, Department of Mining and Petroleum Engineering, University of São Paulo, Brazil
circuit is shown in Figure1. It is commonly referred to as a SABC circuit, for Semi-Autogenous Ball mill Crusher (SABC). This circuit shows a semi-autogenous grinding (SAG)/ball mill circuit where both grinding mills are in closed circuit, with the SAG mill closed with a crusher to control the amount of 'critical size' material in the circuit.
and Graham Bonn, Dynamic modelling of a SAG mill – pebble crusher circuit by data-driven methods, presented in proceedings of SAG conference 2019, Vancouver, September 2019. Paper D. Li, Haijie, Magnus Evertsson, Mats Lindqvist and Gauti Asbjörnsson, A data-driven method to isolate the effect of pebble recycling on AG/SAG mill circuit. To
The ball-mills in SABC circuits are operated at a relatively high speed (70-78% of critical speed), with large balls (50 mm to 80 mm), to cope with a coarse feed (a transfer size from the SAG mill...
The circuit comprises a SAG mill, 12 m diameter by 6.1 m length (belly inside liners, the effective grinding volume), two pebble crushers, and two ball mills in parallel closed with cyclones. The SAG mill is fitted with a 20 MW gearless drive motor with bi-directional rotational capacity.
"The SAG mill is a key element of many milling circuits today, usually located between primary crushing and ball milling phases." LoadIQ utilises FL's mill scanner smart sensor technology to accurately measure volumetric filling and ore trajectory in real-time, according to Lineshan Naidoo, FL's regional product line manager – digitalisation for …
Grinding Circuit an overview ScienceDirect Topics. The circuit comprises a SAG mill, 12 m diameter by 61 m length (belly inside liners, the effective grinding volume), two pebble crushers, and two ball mills in parallel closed with cyclones The SAG mill is fitted with a 20 MW gearless drive motor with bidirectional rotational capacity
Simulation models were developed at the Julius kruttschnitt Mineral Research Centre to provide accurate estimates of power consumption for a wide range of equipment. With the models, a range of circuits and operating conditions can be compared by simulation for a particular ore type. Accurate models of classification allow for the interaction between classifier …
Single stage AG/SAG milling AG/SAG mills as a primary grinding stage in a circuit with or without additional stages of comminution Inclusion of …
SAG mill is usually used to grind large pieces into small pieces, especially for the pre-processing of grinding circuits, thus also known as primary stage grinding machine. Based on the high throughput and coarse grind, AG mills produce coarse grinds often classify mill discharge with screens and trommel.
Sagmilling is home to a collection of both free and subscription-based calculation tools to aid metallurgical process engineers perform comminution calculations. Grinding circuit design tools, including for SAG mill-ball mill circuits, and geometallurgy energy models are available to …