Bry has been a long-time internet friend, vendor, and QSO partner for many years. He has supplied me with parts, pieces, crystals, grinding tools and grits, you name it for many many years. I surely hope he has some sort of recovery even if he doesn't return to selling.
crystal grinding page by bry af4k. MOR EINFO on CRYSTAL GRINDING - UP TO 900 kc. - Great technical article here. Crystal Lapping Machines-typical of the kind I used to work with at Cathodeon Crystals. Please E-mail to add YOUR additional comments to this web page.
CRYSTAL GRINDING PAGE by BRY AF4K. MOR EINFO on CRYSTAL GRINDING UP TO 900 kc Great technical article here Crystal Lapping Machinestypical of the kind I used to work with at Cathodeon Crystals Please Email to add YOUR additional comments to this web page You are visitor number since 2 September 1996 From our friends at BACK TO THE TOP.
CRYSTAL GRINDING PAGE by BRY AF4K. Subject xtal grinding monitor someone TRY THIS Also in the 49 Hints and Kinks book is a method page 88 of monitoring the frequency of a quartz crystal DURING GRINDING Take a flat piece of aluminum or copper about 6 square and connect it to your receiver antenna post using a short lead
CRYSTAL GRINDING PAGE by BRY AF4K. I need help from all the BA gurus out there practiced in the mysterious art of grinding FT-243 type surplus crystals to operate in the ham bands. I have had some success bringing crystals down in the 6.8 to 6.9 MHz range up into the 40 meter band using dry "ultra fine" grade sandpaper.
CRYSTALS TRADE PAGE by BRY AF4K. THE CRYSTALS PAGE NOW I CAN SETUP ADS banners or even A WEB PAGE FOR YOU ON THE INTERNET HERES HOW Hosted by AF4K Click here for The Crystal Swapping Bulletin Board and place YOUR free ad CRYSTAL GRINDING Notes on ROCK GRINDING Even MORE notes on crystal grinding from Surplus Al
crystal grinding page by bry af4k. Trytoothpaste or better yettooth powderin a heavy water slurry on a glass plate. Using light pressure from the second finger (the one that is used for signaling) and a circular motion, grind each of Then clean off and dry
CRYSTAL GRINDING PAGE by BRY AF4K THE CRYSTAL GRINDING PAGE. FT-243 Crystal Info From: [email protected] (Paul Carreiro) Subject: Help in FT-243 Grinding Greetings fellow boatanchorites! I need help from all the BA gurus out there practiced in the mysterious art of grinding FT-243 type surplus crystals . Get Price
Bry's AMATEUR RADIO LINKS. ... ARRL Crystal Oscillator INFO page by N6EV. Crystal Holder data by AF4K. ECL80 GLOWBUG, SEPT 1957 (PAGE 1) ECL80 (PAGE 2) 1960s British Combined Cadet Force Radio! ... FT243 Crystal Grinding Info by Paul Carreiro, N6EV. Bruce, VE3UWL's Glowbug Bibliography Site.
Crystal grinding powder ellaurel . CRYSTAL GRINDING PAGE by BRY AF4K. Subject: xtal grinding monitor someone TRY THIS. Also in the ''49 Hints and Kinks book is a method (page 88) of monitoring the frequency of a quartz crystal DURING GRINDING.
crystal grinding page by bry af4k powder using in crystal grinding . crystal grinding page by bry af4k. the crystal grinding page. Read more. grinding machines types . types of grinding machines. Chat Now; crystal grinding asking powder using in crystal grinding Quartz Crusher.
Crystal Grinding Page By Bry Af4k - Logan Sainlez Swarovski Crystals Grinding Machine. Crystal grinding page by bry af4k 11 internet the crystal grinding page ft crystal info from email protected paul carreiro the only place i have ever seen it for sale is machine tool and gun smith supplies do not use valve grinding compound as it is an imbedding type you take it …
Jan 01, 2021 The XRD study confirms that the crystal sizes of superfine powder are in between 1 nm and 100 nm and milling of ginger powder for 5 h and 10 h using a high energy ball mill, alters the crystal structure, surface morphology, which is different from ginger powder, which was prepared using mixture grinding.
Topic: Bry Carling AF4K Crystals (Read 3458 times) 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. KE5YTV. Contributing Member Offline Posts: 347. Bry Carling AF4K Crystals « on: May 19, 2020, 02:53:19 PM ...
CRYSTAL GRINDING PAGE by BRY AF4K. More. MOR EINFO on CRYSTAL GRINDING - UP TO 900 kc. - Great technical article here. Crystal Lapping Machines-typical of the kind I used to work with at Cathodeon Crystals. Please E-mail to add YOUR additional comments to …
Crystal Grinding Page By Bry Af4k. Subject xtal grinding monitor someone TRY THIS. Also in the 49 Hints and Kinks book is a method page 88 of monitoring the frequency of a quartz crystal DURING GRINDING. Take a flat piece of aluminum or copper about 6quot square, and connect it to your receiver antenna post using a short lead.get price
THE CRYSTAL GRINDING PAGE. FT-243 Crystal Info From: carreiro@netcom (Paul Carreiro) Subject: Help in FT-243 Grinding Greetings fellow boatanchorites! I need help from all the BA gurus out there practiced in the mysterious art of grinding FT-243 type surplus crystals to operate in the ham bands.
crystal grinding page by bry af4k. Subject: xtal grinding monitor -- someone TRY THIS. Also in the '49 Hints and Kinks book is a method (page 88) of monitoring the frequency of a quartz crystal DURING GRINDING. Take a flat piece of aluminum or copper about 6" square, and connect it to your receiver antenna post using a short lead. Details
CRYSTAL GRINDING PAGE by BRY AF4K. THE CRYSTAL GRINDING PAGE. FT-243 Crystal Info From: [email protected] (Paul Carreiro) Subject: Help in FT-243 Grinding Greetings fellow boatanchorites! I need help from all the BA gurus out there practiced in the mysterious art of grinding FT-243 type surplus crystals to operate in the ham bands.
Brian Carling (AF4K Crystals) Situation. On April 4, Brian was taken to the emergency room thinking he may have had a minor stroke, since he was encountering some difficulties. By 7am the next morning, he had undergone brain surgery with a very grim prognosis of a non operative stage 4 GBA tumor. Due to complications, we will not be able to
2020. 5. 27. · Bry has been a long-time internet friend, vendor, and QSO partner for many years. He has supplied me with parts, pieces, crystals, grinding tools and grits, you name it for many many years. I surely hope he has some sort of recovery even Sorry to now learn about AF4K. For many years Bry has been a fixture around the . Learn More
crystal grinding page by bry af4k. ... Dave's Crystal Grinding Web-Page - EarthLink. Crystal Grinding Techniques Crystals may be raised in frequency by grinding them ...get price. crystal grinding wheel -
Crystal Grinding Machine. swarovski crystals grinding machine Description : The Swarovski story Region Hall-Wattens The interplay of light on crystal enthrals Daniel Swarovski during his Read more. NEW Swarovski Crystal Memories COFFEE MILL GRINDER 168675 Find best value and selection for your NEW Swarovski Crystal Memories COFFEE MILL …
CRYSTAL GRINDING PAGE by BRY AF4K. MOR EINFO on CRYSTAL GRINDING - UP TO 900 kc. - Great technical article here. Crystal Lapping Machines-typical of the kind I used to work with at Cathodeon Crystals. Please E-mail to add YOUR additional comments to this web page.
AF4K Home Page . AF4K CRYSTALS - FLORIDA . CLICK TO SEE MY RADIOS, PARTS ETC. FOR SALE. AF4K on FACEBOOK. CUSTOM CRYSTALS. We no longer supply custom made crystals. If you don't see the item that you need listed here, we MIGHT have it. So please e-mail or call, but we can no longer make or supply custom crystals.